History of Stepping Out, Inc.

The A.P.T. Company Manual Completed

The A.P.T. Company manual is completed and copyrighted.

Christian Women’s Job Corp (CWJC) Program Added

Adds Christian Women’s Job Corp (CWJC) to program services.

Stepping Out Becomes Fiscal Agent for HCSAC

Stepping Out becomes vendor with State of Tennessee by becoming Fiscal Agent for HCSAC.

First Male Facilitator for The A.P.T. Company

Adds first male facilitator for The A.P.T. Company.

Patrice Puglise Releases Her Fourth Gospel Album
Patrice Puglise Releases Her Fourth Gospel Album

Patrice Puglise releases her fourth Gospel recording “Jesus, I Love You”.

The A.P.T. Company Begins Serving Over 100 People Weekly

Stepping Out begins serving over 100 people each week through The A.P.T. Company.

Begins Rebranding Initiative with The Alpha Omega Strategy

Begins rebranding efforts with The Alpha Omega Strategy, including new logos, mission statement, marketing materials, and marketing plan.

Mommy’s Wish List Added to Program Services

Adds Mommy’s Wish List to program services

The A.P.T. Company Expands into Hawkins County

The A.P.T. Company enters into Hawkins County.

Christian Men’s Job Corp (CMJC) Program Added

Adds Christian Men’s Job Corp (CMJC) to program services.

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