Stepping Out, Inc.
Class Descriptions
(WO)M.E.N. Managing Emotions Non-Violently
Using the Deluth Model, (WO)M.E.N. is designed for individuals who habitually act out violently toward their partner and/or other family members. The course fosters positive behavior change by helping participants understand why they turn to violence and how to adopt consistently non-violent responses. This program is certified through the Tennessee Domestic Violence State Coordinating Council.
A.P.T. - Automatic Positive Thinking (TM)
A.P.T. – is a positive psychology intervention that seeks to stimulate healthy thinking and productive behaviors. Negative behavior is developed as the result of patterns of negative thinking laid down over the years. This course teaches participants how to shut down negative thinking and provides the tools to operate more efficiently in everyday life. The greatest benefit of A.P.T. is that participants awaken to their true self and learn how to overcome obstacles that hinder them from moving forward.
Renew Your Mind
An evidence-based critical thinking and problem solving course which teaches pro-social skill development and cognitive restructuring skills. Each lesson provides a thorough process for self-reflection and incorporates “real world” situations to enhance understanding. The course teaches the connections among feelings, thoughts, beliefs and behaviors and incorporates a six-step formula to on how to identify and override negative thoughts and beliefs.
Anger Management
This course approved by SAMHSA – Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration is designed to help participants understand the root causes as well as the triggers of their anger, and how to express their anger appropriately. A workbook is used by participants which provides a summary of core concepts, worksheets to complete, homework assignments, and space to take notes for each of the sessions. The concepts and skills presented help participants develop the skills necessary to successfully manage anger.
Dollars and "Sense"
This financial education course provides basic information and skills on building Fiscal Awareness, Budgeting, Debt Reduction and Saving. It is valuable for people setting up housekeeping for the first time as well as those facing the challenges of household financial management.
The Nurturing Parenting Program is an evidence-based program for parents and care-givers of children from 1-18 years of age. It teaches and helps parents to adopt skills that are alternatives to abusive and neglectful parenting. The book “How to Behave so Your Children Will Too” by Sal Severe, Ph.D. is also used as a part of this training to ensure parents find success in raising their children to live happy and well-adjusted lives.
A practical, straight forward household management course that is ideal for people new to housekeeping as well as those who may be overwhelmed by it. The four class sessions include: 1) De-cluttering and Organization; 2) Kitchen Cleaning and Cleaning on a Budget; 3) How to clean the bathrooms, living room, bedrooms; how to manage laundry; and 4) Food Storage.
By learning to create clean, open living spaces, participants find themselves able to make better decisions about everyday challenges.
I Am
Low self-esteem causes individuals to make negative choices and exhibit negative behaviors. This course based on Biblical principles, spends significant time on recognizing one’s true identity and on ‘insecurity’, one of the key contributors to low self-esteem.
Battlefield of the Mind
This 8 week study develops and reinforces positive behaviors by conveying the awareness that our actions (behaviors) are a direct result of our thoughts. It teaches ways to reject negative thoughts and ’thought patterns’ that result in problematic behavior. This course based on Biblical principles, reinforces lessons learned in A.P.T. – Automatic Positive Thinking™ and Renew Your Mind.
Heart of the Problem
Using Biblical principles this course reinforces positive behavior by teaching the importance of and the courage to 1) look honestly at ourselves and 2) understand our role in our own problems. It reinforces work done in previous courses on overriding negative thoughts and beliefs and shifting negative attitudes to positive ones.